
Aaron H. Rosenstein, Andrew Chai, Rangarajan Sambathkumar, Brandon M. Murareanu, Navroop K. Dhaliwal, Fumao Sun, Xinyaun Zhao, Abolfazl Dadvar, Rasha Al-attar, Nitya Gulati, Ting Yin, Maria Nguyen, Danielle Serra, Tania Devina, Aanshi Gandhi, Mohammad Saleh, Penney Gilbert, Michael A. Laflamme, Shinichiro Ogawa, Julien Muffat, Yun Li, Stephanie Protze, Tilo Kunath, Michael Garton. FAST-STEM: Synthetic Biology Toolkit for Next Generation Regenerative Medicine (2024). In peer review. Cell sneak peek: link

Lyu, S., Sowlati-Hashjin, S. & Garton, M. Variational autoencoder for design of synthetic viral vector serotypes. Nature Machine Intelligence (2024). link

Suyue Lyu, Shahin Sowlati-Hashjin, and Michael Garton. 2023. ProteinVAE: Variational AutoEncoder for Translational Protein Design. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2023.03.04.531110v1

Aaron H Rosenstein, Maria Nguyen, Rasha Al-attar, Danielle Serra, Nitya Gulati, Ting Yin, Penney M Gilbert, and Michael Garton. 2023. A Flexible Transgene Integration Landing-Pad Toolkit in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Enables Facile Cellular Engineering, Gene Zygosity Control, and Parallel Transgene Integration. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2023.03.03.531057v1

Warren van Loggerenberg, Shahin Sowlati-Hashjin, Jochen Weile, Rayna Hamilton, Aditya Chawla, Marinella Gebbia, Nishka Kishore, Laure Fresard, Sami Mustajoki, Elena Pischik, Elena Di Pierro, Michela Barbaro, Ylva Floderus, Caroline Schmitt, Laurent Gouya, Alexandre Colavin, Robert Nussbaum, Edith C. H. Friesema, Raili Kauppinen, Jordi To-Figueras, Aasne K. Aarsand, Robert J. Desnick, Michael Garton*, and Frederick P. Roth*. 2023. Systematically testing human HMBS missense variants to reveal mechanism and pathogenic variation. Am J Hum Genet. 2023 Sep 12:S0002-9297(23)00288-4.* co-corresponding authors.

Shahin Sowlati-Hashjin, Aanshi Gandhi, Michael Garton. Dawn of a new era for membrane protein design. AAAS Biodesign Research, 2022.

Jochen Weile, Nishka Kishore, Song Sun, Ranim Maaieh, Marta Verby, Roujia, Iosifina Fotiadou, Julia Kitaygorodsky, Yingzhou Wu, Alexander Holenstein, Céline Bürer, Linnea Blomgren, Shan Yang, Robert Nussbaum, Rima Rozen, David Watkins, Marinella Gebbia, Viktor Kozich, Michael Garton, D. Sean Froese, Frederick P. Roth. Shifting landscapes of human MTHFR missense variant effects. Am J Hum Genet. 2021

April L Mueller, Carles Corbi-Verge, David O Giganti, David M Ichikawa, Jeffrey M Spencer, Mark MacRae, Michael Garton, Philip M Kim, Marcus B Noyes. The geometric influence on the Cys2His2 zinc finger domain and functional plasticity. Nucleic Acids Research, 2020

Lee, H., Wu, Z., Corbi-Verges, C., Mok, M., Kang, S., Liao, S., Zhang, Z., Garton, M. De Novo Crystallization Condition Prediction with Deep Learning, Machine Learning in Computational Biology, 2019

Garton M, Corbi-Verge C, Hu Y, Nim S, Tarasova N, Sherborne B, Kim PM. Rapid and accurate structure-based therapeutic peptide design using GPU accelerated thermodynamic integration. Proteins, 2018

Garton M, MacKinnon SS, Malevanets A, Wodak SJ. Interplay of self-association and conformational plasticity in regulating protein function. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2018

Garton M, Nim S, Stone TA, Wang KE, Deber CM, Kim PM. Method to generate highly stable D-amino acid analogs of bioactive helical peptides using a mirror image of the entire PDB. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2018

Inventor(s): GARTON M. et al. In-silico method for designing a (D)-polypeptide ligand.United States. WO 2019/134052 A1. 2018/01/08. Patent Status: Granted/Issued. Year Issued: 2019

Garton M, Sayadi M, Kim PM. A computational approach for designing D-proteins with non-canonical amino acid optimized binding affinity. PLoS One. 2017

Najafabadi HS, Garton M, Weirauch MT, Mnaimneh S, Yang A, Kim P, Hughes T. Structural basis for kaleidoscopic evolution of metazoan C2H2 zinc finger DNA binding. Genome Biology. 2017

Corbi-Verge C*, Garton M*, Nim S*, Kim PM. Strategies to Develop Inhibitors of Motif-Mediated Protein-Protein Interactions as Drug Leads. Annual Reviews of Pharmacology and Toxicology. 2016. *denotes co-authorship

Garton M, Najafabadi HS, Mnaimneh S, Schmitges FS, Hughes T, Kim P. A structural approach reveals how neighbouring C2H2 zinc fingers influence DNA binding specificity, Nucleic Acids Research. 2015

Najafabadi HS, Mnaimneh S, Schmitges FS, Garton M, Lam KM, Yang A, Albu M, Weirauch, Radovani E, Kim P, Greenblatt J, Frey BJ, Hughes T. C2H2 zinc fingers greatly expand the human regulatory lexicon, Nature Biotechnology. 2015

Garton M, Laugton C, A Comprehensive Model for the Recognition of Human Telomeres by TRF1, Journal of Molecular Biology. 2013

Wodak SJ, Garton M, Malevanets A, McKinnon S. Self-association prompts proteins for new function: The role of altered dynamic properties, Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics (conference paper). 2013

Garton M, Recognition and Manipulation of Telomeric Single and Double Stranded DNA by Shelterin Proteins. Thesis.


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