We are interested in exceptional students, postdoctoral fellows, and technical assistants who are interested in working at the cutting-edge of protein and cell design.
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow for a highly multidisciplinary, Medicine by Design funded initiative, to establish a 'Centre for the Design of Novel Human Tissues' as a synthetic biology–regenerative medicine hub. This postdoc will design proteins for regenerative medicine specific applications. The position will be primarily supervised by Dr Michael Garton (U of T) as part ...
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow for a highly multidisciplinary, Medicine by Design funded initiative, to establish a 'Centre for the Design of Novel Human Tissues' as a synthetic biology–regenerative medicine hub. This postdoc will play a pivotal role by developing a synthetic biology module toolkit that is compatible with human iPSCs and derived tissues. For the right perso...
Current Opportunities
Apply for job opportunities on our website.
Chemical and Engineering News
Our invention reported in Chemical and Engineering News!
Taught Courses
Coding for Biomedical Engineers (BME1478).